Now that the Tower Structures are starting to take shape, we've begun our excavation in preparation for the placement of the anchor and construction of the ramp that will lead up to the crossing. We hired two teams, one from Nchomekah and the other from Kambir, to complete the work on opposite sides of the river. Both teams were composed of four people and had an enormous task of having to excavate such a large mass by hand, yet both managed to accomplish the goal of digging down a meter in just five days
Bandar Side:
The Team from Kampir was tasked with digging up the Bandar Side. A ways to go...
Pouco pouco.
Nchomekah Side:
The Team from Nchomekah chose to work on their side of the river and got the benefit of digging in the shade. Lucky guys...maybe. Turns out that treee has roots, and roots aren't so easy to cut through with a shovel.
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